Best Immigration Consultants – Universal Dream Services

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Terms and Conditions

Payment and Receipts

Dream Mart Services Private Limited, the parent company of Universal Dream Services, handles all transactions on behalf of When you make a payment to Dream Mart Services Private Limited, you have the right to request a receipt. We issue receipts for all payments made to our company. If you have any inquiries regarding payments to Dream Mart Services Private Limited, please email us at

Caution Regarding Additional Payments to Staff

We strongly caution against making any additional payments to any employee of Universal Dream Services If any of our staff members offer to create your profile or provide any documents for an additional fee, we urge you to inform our management promptly. Please note that the company is not liable for any verbal or written agreements entered into with a Dream Mart Services Private Limited employee or their references. We also do not assume responsibility for any consequences arising from payments made for additional services to our employees.

Vendor Services

We discourage you from engaging services from vendors recommended by any Universal Dream Services employee, as this is not endorsed or permitted by the company. We are not responsible for vendors referred by our employees, nor are we liable for any charges incurred through such services.

Fraudulent Documentation

Dream Mart Services Private Limited strictly does not deal with cases involving fraudulent documentation or information. We accept cases based on the information you provide, assuming it is accurate and truthful. The responsibility for providing correct and genuine documentation lies with the applicant. We do not provide documentation or assist in visa processing. Our employees are strictly prohibited from engaging in illegal practices, and the company is not responsible or liable for any violations of company policy.

Protect Yourself from Fraud

To avoid being deceived and potentially denied entry into foreign countries, please keep the following in mind:

Responsibility of Visa Applicants

It is essential to recognize that visa decisions are solely made by authorized visa officers, not by Dream Mart Services Private Limited staff. Applicants are responsible for their visa applications, and fraudulent documents or misleading information can have severe consequences for both the applicant and the employee

Job Search Services

Universal Dream Services does not guarantee job or charge candidates for employment. If any of our employees attempt to do so, please contact us immediately. We also do not guarantee visas, as these are at the discretion of immigration authorities. It’s important to note that we do not impose any placement or employment fees. While we do not handle work permits or employment visas, Universal Dream Services serves as an initial service provider and consulting firm. Our charges are solely for visa documentation and visa consultancy services offered for various countries. We trust that this clarifies our company’s role and the services we provide.

Complaints and Grievances

If you have grievances or complaints, please reach out to our customer relationship department at

Job Search Service Disclaimer

Under our Job Search Service, we offer Resume Writing, LinkedIn Optimization, and Resume Marketing. We do not advertise jobs on behalf of overseas employers or represent any overseas employer. This service is not a placement or recruitment service and does not guarantee jobs.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We prioritize transparency and ethical conduct in all our operations.